Monday, August 29, 2011


Workshop equips residents with safety knowledge and preparedness
Kuala Lumpur, 05 April 2011 – In an effort to increase safety awareness amongst its residents in Mont’Kiara, Sunrise organised a safety and crime prevention workshop that was attended by more than 100 participants.

The workshop educated residents about simple safety tips they can employ to mitigate crime situations in the event of an emergency. Some of the topics covered at the workshop included house break-ins, robberies, road emergencies, mugging and snatch theft situations.

The free 2-hour workshop was conducted by Captain K. Balasupramaniam, a prominent safety activist with more than 15 years of on-field experience dealing with disaster response and emergencies in both the local and international fronts.

Captain Bala said it is important for the community to be prepared with knowledge on how react to handle different situations because that will increase chances of surviving a crime or emergency. The community also has to unite and help one another as that will prove vital during emergencies and in turn reduce crimes in the neighbourhood.

After attending the workshop, residents expressed that they are better prepared to manage different situations. To prevent homes from being targeted by criminals, one can take precautionary measures such as constantly being aware of one’s surroundings and safekeeping valuables by depositing excess money and jewelry in the bank.

At the end of the workshop, Captain Bala distributed a personal emergency data card to all the participants. The card which he created over a decade ago, to be filled out by its holder, will contain personal, medical and emergency contact information that will serve as a reference during an emergency.

Captain Bala has been actively involved with providing safety training and assistance for various charitable organisations such as the Disaster Assistance Unit, the Prosthetics Leg Programme and the India-Gujarat Earthquake Relief Charity Fund. His noble efforts have earned him numerous honours including the Pingat Pangkuan Negara and the Pingat Ketua Pengarah Bomba medals as well as the National Youth Award in 1999
Sunrise is a caring developer, committed to providing an unparalleled lifestyle experience for its residents with emphasis on safe and secure neighbourhoods, environment and convenient access to amenities and facilities. Sunrise regularly organises relevant workshops and talks for the benefit of its residents to enhance their lifestyle experience in Sunrise Mont’Kiara.

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